The policy for the support and development of the MSc personnel is aligned with the overarching strategy and development policies of the University. A key element for the professional development of teaching staff is the operation of the Center for Teaching and Learning (C.T.L.) (
The University of Patras is the first higher education institution in Greece to establish C.T.L. (in 2016), aiming at the professional growth and development of its teaching staff and the enhancement of teaching quality. C.T.L. offers a variety of programmes, including those targeted at specific groups of teaching staff (e.g., newly appointed faculty members, contract teaching staff), department-specific programmes upon request, as well as ad hoc programmes focusing on the application of specific teaching methods, tools, and techniques (e.g., in order to upgrade the digital skills of teaching staff, to implement collaborative and student-centred approaches, or to apply innovative strategies such as flipped classrooms).
C.T.L. operates in a dedicated space, offering face-to-face, videoconferencing, or hybrid programmes. To date, it has developed ten training packages for university education and participates in European networks for the enhancement of higher education teaching.
It is important to note that C.T.L. is directly connected to quality assurance processes, as it operates within the framework of the Quality Assurance Unit (MO.DI.P.) and aligns with all components of the University’s Integrated Quality Assurance System (E.S.D.P.).
The Department of Biology at the University of Patras has already appointed a representative to C.T.L. and encourages its teaching staff to engage in the activities offered by the centre.