Quality Policy of the MSc Programme “Applied Ecology & Environmental Management” of the Department of Biology
The Department of Biology, in collaboration with the Quality Assurance Unit (MODIP) and the relevant services of the University, has aligned the Quality Policy of the MSc Programme with the Quality Policy of the Department of Biology and the University of Patras.
Vision / Mission of the Department of Biology
The Department of Biology of the University of Patras, the first Biology Department in Greece, has consistently aimed, since its establishment in 1967, to provide high-quality education and to shape new scientists with a broad knowledge and understanding of Biology. The Department offers studies covering all aspects of the biological sciences, from molecular and cellular levels to the level of organisms and ecosystems, providing additional career opportunities for young biologists and conducting high-quality research across all fields of modern Biology.
The commitment to the quality of educational services is a central goal of the Department of Biology, which, according to its external evaluation, supports its academic identity. It invests in the high quality of its teaching staff and infrastructure to offer modern undergraduate and postgraduate education, as well as in the production of high-quality, innovative research work. The Quality Policy of the Department of Biology aims at the continuous improvement of the curriculum’s quality, both in teaching and research, following the latest academic developments.

The quality assurance procedures recorded in the Institution’s Quality Manual are applied at the Department level with the specialization required on a case-by-case basis.
All quality assurance procedures of the Biology Department are subject to inspection and review, which is carried out on an annual basis by O.M.E.A. in collaboration with MO.DI.P. of the Foundation.